Elasticsearch not saving all fields from logstash

I got following situation:
Im sending logs from my servers to logstash using filebeat. Im running a logstash pipeline that looks like this:

input {
  beats {
    port => 5003
filter {
    grok {
        match => { "message" => "(?m)%{DATESTAMP:timestamp} %{INT:process_id} %{WORD:level} %{NOTSPACE:db_name} %{USERNAME:name}: %{GREEDYDATA:log_message}"}
    date {
        match => [ "timestamp", "yy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS" ]
        timezone => "Etc/UTC"
        target => "@timestamp"
    mutate {
        remove_field => [ "timestamp" ]
        remove_field => [ "message" ]

    if [log_message] =~ "^([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}" {
        grok {
            match => { "log_message" => "%{IPORHOST:request_clientip} %{USER:request_ident} %{USER:request_auth} \[%{GREEDYDATA:request_httpdate}\] \"(?:%{WORD:request_method} %{NOTSPACE:request_endpoint}(?: HTTP/%{NUMBER:request_httpversion})?|%{DATA:request_rawrequest})\" %{NUMBER:request_responsecode} (?:%{NUMBER:request_bytes}|-) %{GREEDYDATA:request_additionals}"}
        date {
            match => [ "request_httpdate", "dd/MMM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"]
            target => "request_httpdate"
        mutate {
            add_field => ["type", "access"]
            remove_field => [ "log_message" ]
            rename => {
                "request_clientip" => "[request][clientip]"
                "request_ident" => "[request][ident]"
                "request_auth" => "[request][auth]"
                "request_httpdate" => "[request][httpdate]"
                "request_method" => "[request][method]"
                "request_endpoint" => "[request][endpoint]"
                "request_httpversion" => "[request][httpversion]"
                "request_rawrequest" => "[request][rawrequest]"
                "request_responsecode" => "[request][responsecode]"
                "request_bytes" => "[request][bytes]"
                "request_additionals" => "[request][additionals]"
    else {
        mutate {
            add_field => ["type", "log"]

    mutate {
        remove_field => ["host"]
output {
    if [type] == "log" {
        elasticsearch {
                hosts => "localhost:9200"
                data_stream => "true"
                data_stream_type => "logs"
                data_stream_dataset => "myapp"
                data_stream_namespace => "log"
        stdout { codec => rubydebug }
    if [type] == "access" {
        elasticsearch {
                hosts => "localhost:9200"
                data_stream => "true"
                data_stream_type => "logs"
                data_stream_dataset => "myapp"
                data_stream_namespace => "access"


My logstash stdout looks like this (exactly how i want it):

            "log" => {
          "file" => {
            "path" => "/var/log/myapp/applog.log"
        "offset" => 74528864,
         "flags" => [
            [0] "multiline"
            "ecs" => {
        "version" => "1.8.0"
       "@version" => "1",
    "log_message" => "A \n very \n long \n multiline \n log",
          "agent" => {
                "type" => "filebeat",
            "hostname" => "myhost",
        "ephemeral_id" => "some id",
             "version" => "7.13.2",
                "name" => "myhost",
                  "id" => "another id"
     "process_id" => "20104",
          "input" => {
        "type" => "log"
          "level" => "TEST",
           "type" => "log",
        "db_name" => "my db name",
     "@timestamp" => 2021-05-20T06:02:18.478Z,
           "tags" => [
        [0] "beats_input_codec_plain_applied"
           "name" => "some field"

Up to this point everything works fine. The document is also written correctly to elasticsearch with the exception of the field "log_message", which is always empty with multiline logs:

As far as I can tell only multiline logs are affected. I also think the filebeat and logstash part works as I intended as the stdout returns the expected result.
It might be worth noting im working with ES data streams as an output for logstash.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

My assumption was correct in thinking that elasticsearch was the cause of the problem.
The "ignore above" setting for the mapping of the index caused long log lines to be dropped:

 "log_message": {
          "type": "keyword",
          "ignore_above": 1024

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