Elasticsearch Partial Snapshot

Im running into an issue with snapshotting one of my elasticsearch clusters.
I have snapshot the cluster weekly , however I got a PARTIAL snapshot last time .

199/200 indices passed.
one of the indices failed with this reason :

"reason" : "IndexShardSnapshotFailedException[Failed to finalize snapshot creation [snap-1582992003.5093596/*******] with shard index [index-2]]; nested: IOException[com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.AmazonS3Exception: The specified key does not
exist. (Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 404; Error Code: NoSuchKey; Request ID: *****; S3 Extended Request ID: *****), S3 Extended Request ID: ****]; nested: AmazonS3Exception[The specified key does not exist. (Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 404; Error Code: NoSuchKey; Request ID: ****; S3 Extended Request ID: ******)]"

It seems this was a previous problem but fixed in 6.4.0+ :

Is updating the only way to fix the issue?
Can i still get successful snapshots post partial snapshots?
How does it work for deleting partial snapshots ?
Any Good advice / work arounds until I can get the cluster upgraded ?

clusters details:
16 data nodes , 3 master nodes , 2 query nodes
version : 6.3.0
Indices: 200
Num-Docs: 2,712,303,471

It'd be a good idea and likely remove that as a potential cause of the issue.


No different to other deletes.

Thanks Warkolm
very helpful will let the team know .

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