Hi there,
I'm pretty new to Elasticsearch. I have been trying to install it on my Centos 7 server. I have been following a tutorial for installing elasticsearch-oss. Because I was playing with it, I have uninstalled it by removing all ES files. Probably not the right way to uninstall a package
At this moment I'm trying to install ES 7.x with RPM by following the original ES tutorial.
When I run the command yum.repos.d]# sudo yum install --enablerepo=elasticsearch elasticsearch
I'm getting the next error:
Error: elasticsearch-oss conflicts with elasticsearch-7.9.2-1.x86_64
Error: elasticsearch conflicts with elasticsearch-oss-7.9.2-1.x86_64
You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest
So it seems my new install conflicts with the old one. How do I get rid of the old (Elasticsearch-oss) install?
Thanks in advanced!