Elasticsearch rpm. kill -3. where is the thread dump info? journalctl doesn't show any thread dump

Dear All,

I installed ES by rpm package.
The logs are in /var/log/elasticsearch.
But for kill -3,
where is the thread dump?
not in /var/log/elasticsearch.
journalctl also doesn't contain any thread dump info.

I didn't change the systemd conf after the elasticsearch rpm installed.


Please discard it. I found the answer.

The kill -3 Java thread dump info doesn't show up in journalctl because the RPM default settings run ES as "--quiet".
It doesn't send any info to journal.
If you check /usr/lib/systemd/system/elasticsearch.serivce, you will find the setting about "--quiet".
After removing "--quiet", restarting the service. ES sending info to journal.
journalctl gets the logs. and of course, if kill -3, the thread dump info shows up in journalctl.

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