Elasticsearch search does not return hits, Kibana does (5.x)


I've got ~1.5mio entries in elasticsearch I need to delete/remove, because they caused some grokparseerrors.

Luckily they all have a tag (_rubyexception and/or _grokparsefailure) and I can do a nice kibana search to find the questionable entries. I also have a custom field for this (erroneousMessage)

The following kibana searches work for me:




But, when I try searches using the search API (_search or _count) I have no luck (no hits).

Search for tags:

  "size": 0,
  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "must": [
          "query_string": {
            "query": "tags:_rubyexception",
            "analyze_wildcard": true
      "must_not": []

Search for field:

  "size": 0,
  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "must": [
          "query_string": {
            "query": "_exists_:erroneousMessage",
            "analyze_wildcard": true
      "must_not": []

(The queries are stripped down versions for the kibana "requests" you can display.)

I did some research and found it may be related to the fact that "tags" is "analyzed" and "erroneousMessage" is not a field included in the mapping (I create this on the fly when some error happens during the logstash parsing) - I still wonder:

  1. Why am I successful with my search in kibana but not with the API? What is doing Kibana differently? I always thought of it as a fancy frontend for Elasticsearch but it seems it's "requests" are faked to some degree.
  2. Is there any way for me to successfully query the results with my existing indexes/mapping so I can delete them via _delete_by_query API?

Sorry folks, my mistake and quite a simple solution:

I did the search on a limiting index pattern ("/myindex-2018*/"), but the erroneous entries are stored in a different index (because of the parse errors the date could not be extracted and an malformed index name was used). So the api search could not find anything in my /myindex-2018*/ but Kibana does its searches in "/myindex*/" (that's why it had hits).

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