Elasticsearch Shared Exception Lists


I created some shared exception lists for some known and legit bots used in user agents and associated it with some of my detection rules but when I checked the results I am still seeing the them.
I found the documentation but it is not mentioned whether the shared exception lists are case-sensitive or not?
If they are case sensitive, what would be the best approach to include both lowercase and uppercase?
Example: BingBot, Bingbot, bingbot

Doc ref: Create and manage shared exception lists | Elastic Security Solution [8.17] | Elastic

Hi @iremtoru, welcome to the forum!

Per the documentation, rule exceptions are case-sensitive:

Rule exceptions are case-sensitive, which means that any character that’s entered as an uppercase or lowercase letter will be treated as such.

One of the workarounds is also mentioned there:

In the event you don’t want a field evaluated as case-sensitive, some ECS fields have a .caseless version that you can use.

There can be other workarounds, and the best one would depend on your specific use case, needs, and available resources:

  • Is the list of known and legit bots used in user agents finite and short? Perhaps you could add them all to an exception. If it's just a few items, you could combine them with OR. For more items, you could create a value list and then use is in list operator in your exception to match against all of them.
  • If EQL works well for your use cases, you could create EQL rules and exclude the bots directly in the EQL queries. The EQL's : operator is case-insensitive.
  • If Custom query rules would work for your use cases, then you could create a Kibana saved query and then attach it to your rules as a filter. More details in the docs. Rule filters are flexible and powerful, as you can use Elasticsearch DSL in them.
  • If ESQL query rules would work for your use cases, then you could probably use the TO_LOWER function.
  • You could leverage runtime fields to normalize the source field values to lowercase, and then match against the runtime field from your exceptions.
  • You could make the field case-insensitive at the mappings level, especially if it's your custom index and you control the mappings.
  • Similarly to the above, you could leverage ingest pipelines and the lowercase processor.
  • You could lowercase at ingest time / on the data source side.

I'm sure this is not an exhaustive list. Let us know if this helps!

Hello @georgii ,
So far, in the environment I have ".caseless" version only for process.name and process.executable, not for user agent field.
For the case I mentioned, I have a new terms rule that checks for new user agents associated with IP addresses and I added a shared exception list to exclude known bots from user agent field. So, in the list I have ~200 user agents so far.
I can try runtime fields to normalize the source field values to lowercase or leveraging ingest pipelines.
Thank you so much for the recommendations and explanations, I appreciate it!