ElasticSearch snapshots are not visisble


I have Elasticsearch cluster running and s3 bucket that contains snapshot files to this cluster. However, when I first listed _snapshot/_all no repository, and/or snapshots were found. I added the repository using the PUT _snapshot/_my_repo command that points to corresponding s3 bucket. Listing the snapshots afterwards is not showing any. Is ther any way to add snapshot data into repository? WHat is overall structure of snapshot dedicated repository?

It'd be useful if you shared your snapshot config and the output of listing the snapshots.


Thank you for your reply.
The output of the snapshot listing is just the name of the repository and an empty list .
How can I find the snapshot config file, I have a bunch of files on s3, which one of them is config?
I am asking all these questions because I do not know how those snapshots have been taken.

Thank you for your help

Let's start with the output from GET _snapshot please.


Here is what I get after calling GET xxxx:9200/_snapshot


Both of those repositories were created after the snapshots were taken.

Then it'd be good if you shared the API call you used to add the other repo you are referring to so we can check it.

curl -X PUT "10.116.37.xxx:9200/_snapshot/rep_1?pretty" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
  "type": "s3",
  "settings": {
    "bucket": "elastic-snapshots"

Just to make sure we are talking about the same thing. I just joined the team, the cluster was managed by another person. The cluster crushed and I am trying to recover it. ES service is back but Kibana is missing. I am trying to use existing snapshots in s3 bucket.

Initially there were no visible repositories when calling _snapshot API so I added one that could correspond to the dedicated s3 bucket.

Are the existing snapshots are appearing into newly registered ES repository automatically? If so how ES finds the snapshots?

I added verify call here. It looks like everything is right there:

 curl -X POST "http://10.116.37.xxx:9200/_snapshot/rep_1/_verify?pretty"
  "nodes" : {
    "cx52o2FQRnmCJ4ReU8xCUQ" : {
      "name" : "node-ELK3"
    "2qfDaKt9Rgei_3hvscmIrA" : {
      "name" : "datanode-2"
    "nQtgMGm8RjGJkrYmOH9lLw" : {
      "name" : "datanode-1"
    "b4UtklaXQmuycSgwlikE7Q" : {
      "name" : "nodel-ELK4"
    "AlnFm0gKRtit-rYm2jFfFA" : {
      "name" : "node-ELK2"

I am wondering how do I correctly point to repository, is index.latest should be on the root?

The issue was the path to snapshot root, index.late file should be on the root

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