Elasticsearch terms aggregation based on id field need name field as a display

is there anyway that we can buckets based on id and display based on Name?

"aggs" : {
"topAdvisors" : {
"terms" : {
"field" : "advRepNum"

Output :
"key": "9813",
"doc_count": 433
"key": "19076",
"doc_count": 275
"key": "6877",
"doc_count": 30
"key": "19347",
"doc_count": 67

Expected Output:		
                "key": "John",
                "doc_count": 433
                "key": "Smith",
                "doc_count": 275
                "key": "Tom",
                "doc_count": 30
                "key": "Ben",
                "doc_count": 67

This is not possible. You would have to perform follow-up requests in order to resolve the name given the id.

what should be the followup request to proceed furthur.

You would have to run a term query on the id and look up the name in the returned document.

Can you please provide sample _id query with that aggregations.