Elasticsearch2.1.0.0 plugin not work

I want to use the 'delete-by-query' plugin.After installing the plugin, I had this query and got the result which I do not expect:

query:curl -XDELETE 'localhost:9200/world/city/_query?q=Name:2323'

unexpected result: {"found":false,"_index":"world","_type":"city","_id":"_query","_version":1,"_shards":{"total":2,"successful":2,"failed":0}}

what gives GET _cat/plugins?v ?

node1 delete-by-query 2.1.0 j
my_node_name1 delete-by-query 2.1.0 j
my_node_name1 head master s /_plugin/head/
my_node_name1 sql 2.1.0 j/s /_plugin/sql/
my_node_name2 delete-by-query 2.1.0 j
my_node_name2 head master s /_plugin/head/
my_node_name2 sql 2.1.0 j/s /_plugin/sql/
node2 delete-by-query 2.1.0 j

It looks good. What exact command you send on the command line?

Are you using any third party tool to run this command? Browser plugin or so?
May be you are doing this from head plugin?

command:curl -XDELETE 'localhost:9200/world/city/_query?q=Name:2323'
The head plugin doesn't work either. Look at the below:
I use command 'curl localhost:9200/_plugin/head',and it returns '<head><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL=/_plugin/head/"></head>'
I don't know why.

i just run the delete command on the terminal.

This is correct. It's a REDIRECT to /_plugin/head/.

curl -XDELETE 'localhost:9200/world/city/_query?q=Name:2323'

It seems to be correct. Just to make sure that everything is fine, can you:

  • install a new empty fresh node 2.1.0 with default settings
  • install delete plugin
  • index one doc
  • remove it with delete by query



Thank you very much!I will give it a try.