Enable Logstash to send date as epoch in milliseconds

I'm looking for the best way to have Logstash send dates as epoch in milliseconds. My Elasticsearch index has the field mapping below.

"createdDate": {
   "type":   "date",
   "format": "epoch_millis"

If I post a document to the index via cURL, the date returns as epoch in milliseconds like this:

"createdDate": 1523302154204

If I post a document to the index via Logstash, the date returns as epoch in seconds like this:

"createdDate": 1523287754

I am able to use the Ruby filter below to force milliseconds, but I feel like there is a better solution.

if ([createdDate]) {
  ruby {    
    code => "event.set('createdDate', (event.get('createdDate').to_i * 1000));"

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