Engine index disappeared After upgrading from version 7.16.2 to 7.17.9 in Elasticsearch App Search

After upgrading from version 7.16.2 to 7.17.9, we encountered an issue in Elasticsearch App Search where the engine index disappeared. We were still able to query the documents in the original index, but we were unable to add any new documents.

If there's any way to create an new engine by reindexing the existed engine would save us.

In 7.x, direct index access is not supported for App Search. It is expected that all interactions with your data go through the App Search APIs (engines), not the Elasticsearch APIs (indices).

If there's any way to create an new engine by reindexing the existed engine would save us.

You could query out your data, and then re-index it into a new engine. But I expect that if you just switched to using the App Search APIs for adding and searching on your engine, you wouldn't need to re-index anything.

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