Engine Name is already Taken

It actually exposed the place where the uniqueness constraint takes place, it's this index: .ent-search-actastic-search_indices_v1.

I suppose, that you can query it to confirm that the index is there:

GET .ent-search-actastic-search_indices_v1/_search
  "query": {
    "term": {
      "name": {
        "value": "np-local-search-np-lt-11-brisbane"

If the index is there, you can then drop it:

DELETE .ent-search-actastic-search_indices_v1/_doc/<INDEX_ID_FROM_PREVIOUS_STEP>

It's something that can happen when Enterprise Search is overloaded, crashes in the middle of index creation or if Elasticsearch goes away during creation of index. It's not something that should happen during normal work with Enterprise Search, though.