Enterprise Search Error : "You do not have sufficient permissions."

Hello Elastic,

I have a case where my user received an error when accessing to the Enterprise Search.

The error looks like image below :

And the server logs refer to :

[2023-07-20T06:15:16.907+08:00][ERROR][plugins.enterpriseSearch] An error occurred while resolving request to https://***/internal/enterprise_search/connectors: You do not have sufficient permissions.

We try to investigate this issue and already reach out to Elastic Support on this.

Would like to seek any other option to resolve this issue.

Thank you.

Hi @aisyaharifin ,

We try to investigate this issue and already reach out to Elastic Support on this.

That's pretty much always going to be the fastest and most reliable way to get help. Hopefully they've already resolved this issue for you.

https://***/internal/enterprise_search/connectors: You do not have sufficient permissions.

More information might be in your Kibana and/or Elasticsearch logs. However, I'm pretty sure that the issue here is that the user who was logged in here did not have permission to make changes to mappings on the .elastic-connectors-v1 index. The page shown in your screenshot is used to make deployment-wide settings changes, and thats where these settings get persisted.

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