Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine. ES won't start


I've tried to follow this step to do the log rotation but when I tried to restart the elasticsearch It cannot start anymore.

Please hep. Thank you. I'm not really sure what to do since I just followed the steps given.

Oct 27 11:26:26 - systemd-entrypoint[3571565]: Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
Oct 27 11:26:26 - systemd-entrypoint[3571565]: Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.
Oct 27 11:26:26 - systemd-entrypoint[3571565]:         at
Oct 27 11:26:26 - systemd-entrypoint[3571565]:         at
Oct 27 11:26:26 - systemd-entrypoint[3571565]:         at
Oct 27 11:26:26 - systemd-entrypoint[3571565]:         at
Oct 27 11:26:26 - systemd-entrypoint[3571565]:         at

Additional information is that we're using 7.15. I only followed the link provided above since we're having the same issue. Thank you.

Can you please share more of your Elasticsearch log, and your elasticsearch.yml.

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