Error ID Index pattern

hello, i need help with this error that kibana gives me when i create a filebeat index, i get this error:

    at Fetch._callee3$ (
    at l (
    at Generator._invoke (
    at Generator.forEach.e.<computed> [as next] (
    at asyncGeneratorStep (
    at _next (

Hi @Juan_David_Jaramillo ,

Unfortunately this error doesn't give us enough details to debug it. Do you see anything suspicious in the server side Kibana logs? If not, would you mind enabling verbose logs and trying again?


The error occurs when I create the index pattern in kibana, it generates this ID error, I have tried with another name, but still this error appears, and when I search for the index in discover it also appears.
look it this:

This is...

    at Fetch._callee3$ (
    at l (
    at Generator._invoke (
    at Generator.forEach.e.<computed> [as next] (
    at asyncGeneratorStep (
    at _next (

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