ERROR Kibana logs

Hi Team!

I have errors in the Kibana logs after the update (and not only):

[2024-02-14T07:46:10.616+00:00][ERROR][plugins.alerting.xpack.synthetics.alerts.tls] Executing Rule default:xpack.synthetics.alerts.tls:93e85000-41ac-11ee-abf2-6942231d8dcb has resulted in Error: There has been a catastrophic error trying to install index level resources for the following registration context: observability.uptime. This may have been due to a non-additive change to the mappings, removal and type changes are not permitted. Full error: Error: Failure during installation of common resources shared between all indices. Timeout: it took more than 1200000ms - RuleDataWriterInitializationError: There has been a catastrophic error trying to install index level resources for the following registration context: observability.uptime. This may have been due to a non-additive change to the mappings, removal and type changes are not permitted. Full error: Error: Failure during installation of common resources shared between all indices. Timeout: it took more than 1200000ms


[ERROR][plugins.alerting.xpack.synthetics.alerts.tls] Executing Rule default:xpack.synthetics.alerts.tls:93e85000-41ac-11ee-abf2-6942231d8dcb has resulted in Error: There has been a catastrophic error trying to install index level resources for the following registration context: observability.uptime. This may have been due to a non-additive change to the mappings, removal and type changes are not permitted. Full error: Error: Failure during installation of common resources shared between all indices. Timeout: it took more than 1200000ms - RuleDataWriterInitializationError: There has been a catastrophic error trying to install index level resources for the following registration context: observability.uptime. This may have been due to a non-additive change to the mappings, removal and type changes are not permitted. Full error: Error: Failure during installation of common resources shared between all indices. Timeout: it took more than 1200000ms


[ERROR][plugins.alerting.xpack.synthetics.alerts.tls] Executing Rule default:xpack.synthetics.alerts.tls:93e85000-41ac-11ee-abf2-6942231d8dcb has resulted in Error: There has been a catastrophic error trying to install index level resources for the following registration context: observability.uptime. This may have been due to a non-additive change to the mappings, removal and type changes are not permitted. Full error: Error: Failure during installation of common resources shared between all indices. Timeout: it took more than 1200000ms - RuleDataWriterInitializationError: There has been a catastrophic error trying to install index level resources for the following registration context: observability.uptime. This may have been due to a non-additive change to the mappings, removal and type changes are not permitted. Full error: Error: Failure during installation of common resources shared between all indices. Timeout: it took more than 1200000ms

version cluster ELK 8.12.1
OS ubuntu 22.04

debug from kibana

curl -XGET https://v-elk-em01:9200/_cat/health?v -u user:'password'
epoch      timestamp cluster       status shards  pri relo init unassign pending_tasks max_task_wait_time active_shards_percent
1707897666 08:01:06  elk-prod green          11         4   2047 1396    0    0        0             0                  -                100.0%

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