Error message with scripted field when changing the date range


I use Kibana v 7.3.2

I get two error messages under whenever I try to change the date ranges in my dashboard. I have one scripted field which calculates the percentage using two other fields in the same index.
The scripted field has this syntax:
100 * doc['totalbelastning'].value / doc['trafoytelse'].value

Error message:
Error: in cell #1: [script_exception] runtime error, with { script_stack={ 0="" & 1="" & 2="100 * doc['totalbelastning'].value / doc['trafoytelse'].value }, params.gte)" & 3=" ^---- HERE" } & script="boolean gte(Supplier s, def v) {return s.get() >= v}gte(() -> { 100 * doc['totalbelastning'].value / doc['trafoytelse'].value }, params.gte)" & lang="painless" }

[timelion_vis] > Error: in cell #1: [script_exception] runtime error, with { script_stack={ 0="" & 1="" & 2="100 * doc['totalbelastning'].value / doc['trafoytelse'].value }, params.gte)" & 3=" ^---- HERE" } & script="boolean gte(Supplier s, def v) {return s.get() >= v}gte(() -> { 100 * doc['totalbelastning'].value / doc['trafoytelse'].value }, params.gte)" & lang="painless" }

are those 2 fields totalbelastning and trafoytelse present in each document? if not, you should do some exists checks in the scripted field in order to handle errors.
From those traces it's hard to see what the problem is, there should be more info lower in the logs if you can find it and post it here.

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