version : elasticsearch-6.2.3.msi
******* Product: C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\elasticsearch-6.2.3.msi
******* Action: INSTALL
******* CommandLine: **********
MSI (s) (FC:8C) [11:22:49:469]: Machine policy value 'DisableUserInstalls' is 0
MSI (s) (FC:8C) [11:22:49:482]: Note: 1: 2203 2: C:\Windows\Installer\inprogressinstallinfo.ipi 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (FC:8C) [11:22:49:485]: Machine policy value 'LimitSystemRestoreCheckpointing' is 0
MSI (s) (FC:8C) [11:22:49:485]: Note: 1: 1715 2: Elasticsearch 6.2.3
MSI (s) (FC:8C) [11:22:49:485]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Error
MSI (s) (FC:8C) [11:22:49:485]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: Error 4: SELECT Message
FROM Error
= 1715
MSI (s) (FC:8C) [11:22:49:485]: Calling SRSetRestorePoint API. dwRestorePtType: 0, dwEventType: 102, llSequenceNumber: 0, szDescription: "Installed Elasticsearch 6.2.3".
MSI (s) (FC:8C) [11:22:49:485]: The call to SRSetRestorePoint API failed. Returned status: 0. GetLastError() returned: 127
MSI (s) (FC:8C) [11:22:49:490]: File will have security applied from OpCode.
MSI (s) (FC:8C) [11:22:49:548]: SOFTWARE RESTRICTION POLICY: Verifying package --> 'C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\elasticsearch-6.2.3.msi' against software restriction policy
MSI (s) (FC:8C) [11:22:49:548]: SOFTWARE RESTRICTION POLICY: C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\elasticsearch-6.2.3.msi has a digital signature
MSI (s) (FC:8C) [11:22:49:776]: SOFTWARE RESTRICTION POLICY: C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\elasticsearch-6.2.3.msi is permitted to run at the 'unrestricted' authorization level.
MSI (s) (FC:8C) [11:22:49:776]: MSCOREE not loaded loading copy from system32
MSI (s) (FC:8C) [11:22:49:780]: End dialog not enabled
MSI (s) (FC:8C) [11:22:49:780]: Original package ==> C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\elasticsearch-6.2.3.msi
MSI (s) (FC:8C) [11:22:49:780]: Package we're running from ==> C:\Windows\Installer\740d8df5.msi
MSI (s) (FC:8C) [11:22:49:782]: APPCOMPAT: Compatibility mode property overrides found.
MSI (s) (FC:8C) [11:22:49:783]: APPCOMPAT: looking for appcompat database entry with ProductCode '{D1F2B623-FC8D-455D-9026-5234D3A0A8F8}'.
MSI (s) (FC:8C) [11:22:49:783]: APPCOMPAT: no matching ProductCode found in database.
MSI (s) (FC:8C) [11:22:49:788]: Machine policy value 'TransformsSecure' is 1
MSI (s) (FC:8C) [11:22:49:788]: Machine policy value 'DisablePatch' is 0
MSI (s) (FC:8C) [11:22:49:788]: Machine policy value 'AllowLockdownPatch' is 0
MSI (s) (FC:8C) [11:22:49:788]: Machine policy value 'DisableMsi' is 1
MSI (s) (FC:8C) [11:22:49:788]: Machine policy value 'AlwaysInstallElevated' is 0
MSI (s) (FC:8C) [11:22:49:788]: User policy value 'AlwaysInstallElevated' is 0
MSI (s) (FC:8C) [11:22:49:788]: Rejecting product '{D1F2B623-FC8D-455D-9026-5234D3A0A8F8}': Non-assigned apps are disabled for non-admin users.