I have a 7 node ES cluster based on 3 MN and 4 DN version 7.5, using TLS. The cluster has been working without a problem until this morning when I attempt to install auditbeat on one master node to start testing and getting information.
The problem started when I ran auditbeat setup --dashboards in order to setup the dashboards in Kibana.
When I ran the mentioned command I get:
auditbeat setup --dashboards
Loading dashboards (Kibana must be running and reachable
Exiting: error connecting to Kibana: fail to get the Kibana version: HTTP GET request to
https://hostname.domain.com:5601/api/status fails: fail to execute the HTTP GET request: Get https://hostname.domain.com:5601/api/status: dial tcp serverip:5601: connect:
connection refused. Response: .
I already review some of the responses that are on this platform and my configuration is the same.
Actually when I typed https://hostname.domain.com:5601/api/status on my browser I don't get a response back, but if I remove the 5601 port I get a response back.
so I logged in into my Kibana server and added a non-loop back address to the local host IP address, now I am able to see the same response if I type https://hostname.domain.com:5601/api/status on the browser including the port but if I ran the setup command to install the dashboards I still get the same error, no matter on what server I am, I already even try a windows server installing a filebeat and trying to import the filebeat dashboards same error.
Also tried the solution I saw here about adding the following fields to the auditbeat.yml file
ssl.enabled: true
ssl.certificate_authorities: ["/etc/auditbeat/certs/ca.pem"]
ssl.verification_mode: none
and still the same.
Weird thing is that I was able to started auditbeat without an issue and it was able to import the new index and start adding documents to the cluster.
Any ideas? I've been having this issue for 3 days now and nothing, not even ES support has been able to help.
Thank you