Error two nodes ES cluster

I am trying to create two node ES cluster but i am unable to connect my data node to the master node.
I have set "node.master = true" and "" in my master node config and vice versa in my data node config. But while starting my data node i get the following error:

"[node-2] failed to send join request to master [{master}{5rnNpXRqTNy5PLAWkPZrJw}{WhQB38sQRmu5eltmjDS8yA}{}{}{ml.machine_memory=8589332480, ml.max_open_jobs=20, xpack.installed=true, ml.enabled=true}], reason [RemoteTransportException[[master][][internal:discovery/zen/join]]; nested: ConnectTransportException[[node-2][] connect_exception]; nested: IOException[Connection refused: no further information:]; nested: IOException[Connection refused: no further information]; ]"

Please Kindly Help. Thanks

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