Error when developing plugin in Kibana 8.9 (master branch) and 8.6


I was working on a custom plugin in 8.5.3. It was working fine. Even new plugin generation, etc... all were smooth in 8.5.3.

I had tried the same on 8.6... and now in 8.9. In both these versions, I just generated a helloWorld plugin using the generate_plugin script. The plugins were generated but, both returned error on kibana browser load.

Refused to execute script from 'http://<ip>:5600/nzf/9007199254740991/bundles/plugin/hello/1.0.0/hello.plugin.js' because its MIME type ('application/json') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.

Please refer to this link also (Kibana plugin development: Error when creating plugin in Kibana 8.6)


You have to check your Kibana version compatibility, verify your plugin configuration, Clear browser cache, Review your plugin code.

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