Error when mapping coordinates

Been stuck on this for a while.

In Python, I'm using the Tweepy and Elasticsearch libraries to stream tweets to an Elasticsearch index. In my Python script, my index is created as:

settings = {
'settings': {
	'number_of_shards': 1,
	'number_of_replicas': 0
'mappings': {
	'tweet': {
		'_all': {'enabled': 'false'},
		'_timestamp': {'enabled': 'true'},
		'properties': {
			'id': {'type': 'long'},
			'text': {'type': 'text'},
			'name': {'type': 'text'},
			'screen_name': {'type': 'text'},
			'coordinates': {'type': 'geo_point'}


A separate script,, collects tweets and indexes certain information. If a place in the tweet is available, I calculate the center from the provided bounding box. Sample (from printing to console) coordinates include:

place found and calculated
[42.43, -82.9]
place found and calculated
[33.55, -112.12]
place found and calculated
[40.03, -75.37]
place found and calculated
[19.43, -99.15]  

The script rounds the coordinates to two decimal places. Whenever I attempt to visualize on a map in Kibana, I get the error "Visualize: Expected geo_point type on field [coordinates], but got [float]."

As far as I can tell, though, this array of coordinates is in the exact format a geo_point should be (

Any ideas? I know plotting location data from Twitter is fairly common for ELK, but it seems like syntax is always changing.

What does the _mapping look like for the index?

Is there a mapping other than what I've highlighted above? Thanks replying so quickly!

Well there is the one you apply, but it doesn't look like that has worked.
So what is the actual mapping in Elasticsearch for the index.

Ah, ok - I didn't know that what I applied via ES module in python may not have been what was actually there. I consulted the docs for Get Mapping and received the following from http://localhost:9200/python-twitter/_mapping:

"python-twitter": {
	"mappings": {
		"tweet": {
			"properties": {
				"coordinates": {
					"type": "float"
				"id": {
					"type": "long"
				"name": {
					"type": "text",
					"fields": {
						"keyword": {
							"type": "keyword",
							"ignore_above": 256
				"screen_name": {
					"type": "text",
					"fields": {
						"keyword": {
							"type": "keyword",
							"ignore_above": 256
				"text": {
					"type": "text",
					"fields": {
						"keyword": {
							"type": "keyword",
							"ignore_above": 256
				"timestamp": {
					"type": "date"

It's not a python thing, it's a "let's just be sure" :slight_smile:

You can see there ;

So your settings aren't being applied properly for some reason.

Hm, interesting. I wonder if the method of creating index and its mapping I've chosen isn't the best? For reference, here's the script. It deletes the existing index and creates a new one every time I run it:

from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch

es = Elasticsearch()

if es.indices.exists('python-twitter'):

settings = {
'settings': {
	'number_of_shards': 1,
	'number_of_replicas': 0
'mappings': {
	'tweet': {
		'_all': {'enabled': 'false'},
		'_timestamp': {'enabled': 'true'},
		'properties': {
			'id': {'type': 'long'},
			'text': {'type': 'text'},
			'name': {'type': 'text'},
			'screen_name': {'type': 'text'},
			'coordinates': {'type': 'geo_point'}

es.indices.create(index='python-twitter', ignore=400, body=settings)

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