Error with ECK Operator 2.3.0 - Failed to get API Group-Resources

Using a fresh installation of ECK Operator 2.3.0, and installing Elasticsearch version 7.16.2, Running on Azure Kubernetes Service, and with ISTIO service mesh.

The operator eventually runs fine but restarts once in a while.

Here is an error that causes restart:

08-16-2022 12:05:41
Failed to get API Group-Resources
{"message":"Failed to get API Group-Resources","namespace":null}
Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused

08-16-2022 12:05:41Failed to get API Group-Resources
{"message":"Failed to get API Group-Resources","namespace":null}Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused

08-16-2022 12:05:41
Failed to create controller manager
{"message":"Failed to create controller manager","namespace":null}
Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused

08-16-2022 12:05:41
Operator stopped with error
manager{"message":"Operator stopped with error","namespace":null}
Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused

08-16-2022 12:05:41
Shutting down due to error 
{"message":"Shutting down due to error","namespace":null}
Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused

The ECK operator exits because it fails to connect to the Kubernetes API server. I assume you are proxying these connections with Istio? If so, I would start looking on the Istio side why the connections are being blocked, are the proxies healthy? or are these genuine failures of the Kubernetes control plane then I would start looking into the health of the Kubernetes API server. You posted a similar question about failed leader elections here ECK Operator - Leader Election Lost causes Restart - #2 by pebrc that points to the same underlying problem.

Thanks for the info, Peter. I'll check Istio and K8s API Server.

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