
What is the output of the cluster health API?

1530000764 13:42:44 elasticsearch red 1 1 19 19 0 0 60 0 - 24.1%

Which version of Elasticsearch are you using?

am using version 6.3

please help.

The output you posted does not match what my 6.3 cluster outputs. Can you please run the clusters health API again as shown in the documentation?

Is there anything in the Elasticsearch logs?

red open .monitoring-es-6-2018.06.24 HZr1UkyES7qCnRh-f7jQkA 1 0 **
red open .monitoring-es-6-2018.06.20 qODL0kJDRyKD9BAsBQdQ_g 1 0 **
yellow open api cMW8S6DQRJW6ziHFD2U1ng 5 1 2 0 4.7kb 4.7kb
red open .monitoring-es-6-2018.06.23 f_rpnIziTT-VuvaXTjMvcg 1 0 **
red open .monitoring-es-6-2018.06.22 3eYztlHfRviIdZ8c1aPnug 1 0 **
red open .monitoring-kibana-6-2018.06.25 6mfSAkEtSz6DtQebYNHvzg 1 0 **
red open .monitoring-kibana-6-2018.06.22 plSaO0ZIRsqRq6FVOxPvmw 1 0 **
red open .monitoring-es-6-2018.06.26 kasRJuM8TX-RfzinKTA43g 1 0 **
red open .monitoring-kibana-6-2018.06.20 tZGn0DpbSLCfCgUtAf88Ow 1 0 **
green open .kibana 1W2ZwVz1RlC859anQBVvpw 1 0 14 3 57.9kb 57.9kb
red open .monitoring-kibana-6-2018.06.21 Q5n9dMLXSrSHbulkS56L2g 1 0 **
green open .monitoring-kibana-6-2018.06.19 mI1izqTHTHmyhU-V2PMVsw 1 0 5034 0 1.4mb 1.4mb
green open .monitoring-es-6-2018.06.19 U8y6mqbIRruoyQL3O6lOHw 1 0 131533 1463 58.2mb 58.2mb

red open .monitoring-es-6-2018.06.25 P5iobxvFQsSwf07I_4N-sA 1 0 **
red open .monitoring-kibana-6-2018.06.24 zBdyMiFMQ9aX70eoE3Hnrw 1 0 **
yellow open toilet 7G9G7Nm7Rdi17l4-Xt-nOA 5 1 71 0 229.8kb 229.8kb

red open .monitoring-kibana-6-2018.06.23 yH40_25vSXKDsbAM_xVYzA 1 0 **
red open .monitoring-kibana-6-2018.06.26 Ej4RyvUrTh-PG0R_GrNtiw 1 0 **
yellow open .kibana-6 zoH5kWoiRGuwgLTYCSqkCw 1 1 0 0 261b 261b

red open .monitoring-es-6-2018.06.21 tznjhNEBRUCJoeR9ouAQ8w 1 0
yellow open logstash-2015.05.18 b674OZTPQJaX7A7vbh3N-A 5 1 0 0 1.2kb 1.2kb

this is what I get when GET _cat/indices have be used

It seems like a lot of monitoring indices are in a red state. Not sure how you got into that state, but you can delete them by running curl -XDELETE localhost:9200/.monitoring*.

I want to install x pack , which is available in version 6.2.4 .And I am having my kibana and elasticsearch installed in version 6.3 . Is there any issue?

If you installed the default 6.3 distribution, X-Pack is already installed and you have access to all the free features, so there is no need to install anything further.

oh okay
thank you so much.

My data looks like this:

{"sno": 0,"feedback_toilet_id": "TOI100", "sensor_value": 3,"people_count": 6,"satisfied": 1,"med_satisfied": 1,"not_satisfied": 2,"rfid_value": "3","timestamp": "1529775125"} **
** {"index":{"_index":"tcswashroom","_type":"doc"}}
{"sno": 1,"feedback_toilet_id": "TOI101", "sensor_value": 4,"people_count": 7,"satisfied": 2,"med_satisfied": 2,"not_satisfied": 3,"rfid_value": "4","timestamp": "1529775125"} **
** {"index":{"_index":"tcswashroom","_type":"doc"}}
{"sno": 2,"feedback_toilet_id": "TOI102", "sensor_value": 5,"people_count": 8,"satisfied": 3,"med_satisfied": 3,"not_satisfied": 4,"rfid_value": "5","timestamp": "1529775125"} **
** {"index":{"_index":"tcswashroom","_type":"doc"}}
{"sno": 3,"feedback_toilet_id": "TOI103", "sensor_value": 6,"people_count": 9,"satisfied": 4,"med_satisfied": 4,"not_satisfied": 5,"rfid_value": "6","timestamp": "1529775125"} **
** {"index":{"_index":"tcswashroom","_type":"doc"}}
{"sno": 4,"feedback_toilet_id": "TOI104", "sensor_value": 7,"people_count": 10,"satisfied": 5,"med_satisfied": 5,"not_satisfied": 6,"rfid_value": "7","timestamp": "1529775125"} **
** {"index":{"_index":"tcswashroom","_type":"doc"}}
{"sno": 5,"feedback_toilet_id": "TOI105", "sensor_value": 8,"people_count": 11,"satisfied": 6,"med_satisfied": 6,"not_satisfied": 7,"rfid_value": "8","timestamp": "1529775125"}

and my mapping is like this:
PUT washroom/_mapping/_doc
"properties" : {
"sno" : {"type": "integer"},
"feedback_toilet_id": {"type": "keyword"},
"sensor_value": {"type": "integer"},
"people_count": {"type": "integer"},
"satisfied": {"type": "integer"},
"med_satisfied": {"type": "integer"},
"not_satified": {"type": "integer"},
"rfid_value": {"type": "keyword"},
"timestamp": {"type": "date"}


and when i went to the discover section,am not able to get the data.It saya no results found.
the time stamp is set for last 15 min.I tried changing the time.Yet it is not working.What should I do? Please help me.

Can you show us what a document look like when you inspect in the Discover app? Did you define your index pattern to use the timestamp field? What exactly do you mean by not working?

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Yes, while the index pattern was being created ,they asked for the time field and I selected timestamp from the drop down box.
Then when i took discover app for viewing the histogram, It said no result found.
I tried adjusting the time.Then also I was not able to find anything.
What should I do now? Please help

Is it because the timestamp that I have provided differ from the default .

If you are not specifying a date format for your date mapping, Elasticsearch assumes a standard date string or epoch milliseconds. As you timestamp seems to be in seconds I assume this means the timestamp gets interpreted incorrectly. You will probably need to change your mappings and specify the epoch_second (link to docs) format for your timestamp field.

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Can I make a change now?Will it affect the data stored in the index pattern?

You can't change existing mappings, so will need to reindex the data.

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Okay so i should specify :
Format:epoch_second ?
