ES 6.2.1 Advice deleting old index after a reindex

Hi Team,

I would like to compress indexes when they become old.

The problem I have at the moment is I think the only way to compress an old index is to do a reindex to create a new index with best compression index codec and then, as a separate second step, delete the old original index.

This is a problem for me as when I use curator to try to do these two actions, even when I set the reindex action to wait for completion and not to continue if there's any exceptions, I have experienced times when curator proceeds to the delete action when the reindex has not completed therefore indexes are deleted prematurely hence data is lost.

Is there a way to do a reindex + deletion in a single atomic fashion?


Actually, you can do something like:

  • Closing the index
  • Change the index.codec setting
  • Open the index
  • Run a _forcemerge call

Would that work for you?

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Many thanks David,

I never knew I could do that - that sounds great.

One more question please, is it possible to rename an index without reindexing?

No but you can use alias.

Thanks David

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