Es.delete throwing error : trying to auto create mapping, but dynamic mapping is disabled


I have a Tweet index, with following defination. I inserted some data into
it & now, I wish to delete the data for particular user. I tried following
python code, but it is not working.

query = pyes.query.MatchAllQuery()
equeue =, 'tweet', 'blog')
for row in equeue:
if row["user"] == "User2":
es.delete('tweet', 'blog', row.get_id())

*When I execute the above python django code, I get following exception, *even
the CURL command is not working

[tweet] type[blog] missing: trying to auto create mapping, but dynamicmapping is disabled

I modified the mapping to dynamic= True, still it doesn't work. Kindly


*Tweet Index definition : *

"tweet": {

    "tweet": {

        "index": {

            "number_of_shards": 2,

            "number_of_replicas": 1



    "mappings": {

        "blog": {

            "_all": {

                "enabled": False


            "dynamic": False




Tweet data insertion :

curl -XPOST "http://localhost:9200/tweet/blog/" -d'


"id" : "ID1",

"user" : "User1",

"title" : "tweet1"


curl -XPOST "http://localhost:9200/tweet/blog/" -d'


"id" : "ID2",

"user" : "User2",

"title" : "tweet2"


Read all data :

curl -XGET "http://localhost:9200/tweet/blog/_search"


took: 1

timed_out: false

_shards: {

    total: 2

    successful: 2

    failed: 0


hits: {

    total: 2

    max_score: 1

    hits: [


            _index: tweet

            _type: blog

            _id: 1

            _score: 1

            _source: {

                    id : ID1,

                    user : User1,

                    title : tweet1




            _index: tweet

            _type: blog

            _id: 2

            _score: 1

            _source: {

                    id : ID2,

                    user : User2,

                    title : tweet2





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