ES Hadoop push down aggregations or not?

I am on ELK 7.13.0 and I have a super very slow query:

events_df = es_reader.load("priam_unified_host-{0}/unified-host".format(date))

counts_df = events_df.where('EventID == 4688').groupBy(col("LogHost"),col("ProcessName")).count()

This is the execution plan:

== Physical Plan ==
*(2) HashAggregate(keys=[LogHost#1347, ProcessName#1354], functions=[count(1)], output=[LogHost#1347, ProcessName#1354, count#1408L])
+- Exchange hashpartitioning(LogHost#1347, ProcessName#1354, 200), ENSURE_REQUIREMENTS, [id=#258]
   +- *(1) HashAggregate(keys=[LogHost#1347, ProcessName#1354], functions=[partial_count(1)], output=[LogHost#1347, ProcessName#1354, count#1413L])
      +- *(1) Project [LogHost#1347, ProcessName#1354]
         +- *(1) Filter (isnotnull(EventID#1345L) AND (EventID#1345L = 4688))
            +- *(1) Scan ElasticsearchRelation(Map(es.inferschema -> false, -> elastic, -> true, -> 123456, -> tags, es.resource -> priam_unified_host-2021-05-03/unified-host, es.nodes -> elasticsearch:9200, -> true),org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext@515d109c,None) [LogHost#1347,ProcessName#1354,EventID#1345L] PushedFilters: [IsNotNull(EventID), EqualTo(EventID,4688)], ReadSchema: struct<LogHost:string,ProcessName:string,EventID:bigint>

Does it mean that it is effectively scanning the index (via scrolling???) and not leveraging the Aggregates constructs in ES?

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You are correct. Es-hadoop supports pushing down most filter clauses but not aggregations/group bys. This functionality has just recently been added to spark and has not made it into es-hadoop yet -- Support Spark's Datasource V2 API · Issue #1801 · elastic/elasticsearch-hadoop · GitHub.