ES|QL command join

Hello Team,

I am new to the environment Kibana and used some commands for a few weeks.

My question today is about the ES|QL language. There are several types of commands, written down in the Docs.

Through my lecture, I haven’t found yet a command that would make possible the merge of two separate databases.

Is there a command, equivalent to JOIN in SQL, in Elastic Search ?

HI @nspaniol Welcome to the community.

Today, there is enrich

You need to do a little prep on the data that is the source of the enrichment.

Abritraty joins are not supported, and large-scale arbitrary joins are not on the near-term roadmap.

However, I expect that in the near future, additional capabilities will be available, such as lookup, which will allow enriching (joining) a large index with an arbitrary smaller index or file, etc... Stay tuned for that.