Hi Elasticsearch Masters,
I’m running ES v 7.4.0 as a Docker container. My host box is a Ubuntu box, 16.04.4; my version of Docker is 17.09.0-ce, build afdb6d4.
I want to use the /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch-env script
to run SQL-like queries against ES. I know there are some minor EnvVar issues with the script (documented here) but I was able to manually correct them and get the script running.
But I didn’t get far:
[me@1234567890ab bin]# ./elasticsearch-sql-cli https://elastic@
WARNING: sun.reflect.Reflection.getCallerClass is not supported. This will impact performance.
ERROR: Cannot communicate with the server https://elastic@ This version of CLI only works with Elasticsearch version v7.4.0 [22e1767283e61a198cb4db791ea66e3f11ab9910]
[me@1234567890ab bin]#
So in the above, the script complains that it can only talking to an ES instance of ver 7.4.0. But I am within my docker container running ES v7.4.0; there shouldn’t be a version issue. Is this easily correctable?
Another issue: that password challenge. I spun up my Docker container, then did a minimum amount of configuration to get my ES service up and running. I don’t recall setting a password anywhere.
What would the password be by default? Where can I set it? The online documentation (here) makes a reference to “If security is enabled on your cluster…” Does that refer to this? Would this be turned on by default?