ES7.5: Documents not searchable after update


I have several documents in an index and try to update / create just one attribute (the attribute will be added and is not set by creating the document) therefore I tried both via _update or _update_by_query API.

The document will be updated but isn't visible to search afterwords.

The affected attribute is also defined as property on the mapping.

Search query:

curl "" --data-binary @search_query.json


   "from": 0,
   "size": 20,
   "query": {
 "bool": {
   "filter": [
       "term": {
         "user": ""
       "term": {
         "set_up": false
       "query_string": {
         "query": "(reversed* OR desrever*)",
         "default_field": "sample"
   "sort": {
 "ts": "desc"

The update request I issue:

curl -XPOST "

      "doc": {
           'value': 3244534

The search works as long as the documents are initially indexed but I've no clue why the documents aren't searchable anymore after updating.

Thanks in advance!


What is the output of

GET /test/_doc/12345

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