Esrally not generating any metrics

While running performance testing using esrally on Elasticsearch version 7.10, rally is able to generate the load on the cluster but, once the test reaches 100% it is failing and not giving any metrics of the benchmark. I also don't see any errors in the logs, please find the screenshot below, I would appreciate any suggestions/solutions that might fix the problem.


Elasticsearch version 7.10 is EOL and no longer supported. Please upgrade ASAP.

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Hi @Naresh_Sama.

Sorry to see you running into errors, though this does appear strange as any exception should have been captured in the [ERROR] output.

Is it possible for you to try and recreate this with the latest release of the Rally docker image? I.e. elastic/rally:latest

If you could also share the ~/.rally/logs/rally.log and a copy of the track itself (noting that its custom) that would help also.

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