Prebuilt dashboards for esrally

Hi All,

I have pushed the esrally metrics to dedicated elasticsearch cluster. are there any existing dashboards available so that I can make use of them for esrally metrics visualizations in kibana?

I didn't find it last year. hopefully it is out there now

one that you can look and may be create is!(),refreshInterval:(pause:!t,value:0),time:(from:now-7d,to:now))&_a=(description:'',filters:!(),fullScreenMode:!f,options:(darkTheme:!f),query:(language:lucene,query:'*'),timeRestore:!f,title:nightly-default-geonames,viewMode:view)

(Thanks @elasticforme !)

As @elasticforme has mentioned there aren't any "out of the box" dashboards available for the Rally metrics, so your best bet is to consult the Rally 'Metrics Records' docs to see what metrics make sense for you and your benchmarks. You can also take a look at our public benchmark visualisations/dashboards for inspiration.

This is also an open issue that's been on our roadmap for a while now, so we definitely welcome any PRs!

Thank you both of your replies. I will take a look at them.

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