Example Inputs logtash configuration


Can i get help with an input configuration for logstash please?

I currently am using this as a curl to get my information, but i need this in yaml if possible

</>curl -X GET '' -k -u xxxx:xxxxx 'output { tcp host => </>"" port => "666" }'

This is to test that it can hit the third party diode, after this i need a yaml search to effectively send everything from elastic to this IP. What i have currently is this.

</>input {
</>elasticsearch {
</> hosts => "localhost:9200"
</> ssl_enabled => true
</> ssl_verification_mode => none
</> #api_key => "xxxxxx"
</> user => "xxxxxx"
</> password => "xxxx"
</> index => "logs-"
</> query => '{ "query": { "query_string": { "query": "
" } } }'
</> size => 5
</> scroll => "1m"
</> docinfo => true
</> docinfo_target => "[@metadata][doc]"
</> }
</> }
</> output {
</> file {
</> path => "/opt/logstash-8.8.0/test.txt"
</> }
</> }

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