Example of X-pack Custom Realm in 7.x

We're upgrading ES from 6.2 to 7.1. We have built x-pack custom realm for authentication. Is there any example, in JAVA, available that shows how to create custom realm?
This file hasn't been updated since Dec 2018.... https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch/blob/v7.1.0/x-pack/docs/en/security/authentication/custom-realm.asciidoc
Also, this one https://github.com/elastic/shield-custom-realm-example only covers upto 6.2.2 version.

Did you read the README on the shield custom realm? It has a link to a maintained example in the Elasticsearch repository.

Yes I did. The maintained example covers upto 6.6. In 7.x and above, the “type” setting does not exist any more, and the realm type is part of the configuration key. I am looking for example of how to configure and use that.

The link in the README takes you to the main Elasticsearch repository, which has branches for all recent versions, including 7.1.

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