{"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"parsing_exception","reason":"[terms] query does not support [0] within lookup element","line":1,"col":150}],"type":"parsing_exception","reason":"[terms] query does not support [0] within lookup element","line":1,"col":150},"status":400}
// my search query would look like
{ "query": { "terms": { "blah_blah_field" : ['test test'] } } }
//and my field is as follows
'blah_blah_field' => [ 'type' => 'keyword', ],
When I try to pass the data as array of values and if any value contains duplicate words it throws this error.
If I just search for a word like "test blah" it works.
So simply
["test", "blah", "test blah"] works
["test", "blah", "test test"] don't
Any idea what is wrong with the code here?