Exception while storing data more than 32K

Hi All,

We are getting exception while storing data more than 32K in an index field. We just need to store the data without any indexing.

Elasticsearch version: 6.0.0
Field Data Type: "type": "keyword" and "index": false

[2018-01-21T19:51:07,956][DEBUG][o.e.a.b.TransportShardBulkAction] [fwall_feeds_data][4] failed to execute bulk item (update) BulkShardRequest [[fwall_feeds_data][4]] containing [5] requests
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: DocValuesField "nlp_data" is too large, must be <= 32766

Please suggest how can we resolve this issue.

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If you don't need to index the data, then use a type text and set index: false:


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Thanks @dadoonet for quick response .

Is there any size limit on text type also?

Yes but much much higher. Can't recall from the top of my my head but it's much much more.

Thanks @dadoonet.

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