Excluding Duplicate Values in Kibana Filter

I have an index that looks similar to the below (it really has a number of additional fields that aren't relevant for this post)

case_id: int
group: string
unique_id: case_id + group
value: int

for any one case_id value I might have several documents, each with a different group. Each of these documents should have the same value in the "Value" field. Different case_ids might also go through different sets of groups

For Example

case_id: 1
group: A
value: 3

case_id: 1
group: B
value: 3

case_id: 1
group: C
value: 3

case_id: 2
group: A
value: 1

case_id: 2
group: B
value: 1

case_id: 3
group: D
value: 5

I would like to Average the Value of each case_id. But I would only like to calculate the value of each case_id once. So for example with the above data set I want
case_id 1 = 3
case_id 2 = 1
case_id 3 = 5

(3 + 1 + 5) / 3 = 3. So I should get 3 as a result.

The problem is I can't just average all case_id values of all the documents or I would get something like
(3 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 5) ~= 2.6667

How can I first subset a group to just one document per case_id (doesn't matter which document) and then average the value fields?

Thanks for any help!

Hmm, okay I think I can get you close to what you want.

First you'll need to create a data table visualization, and go into the options and turn on "Show total", and use the average.

Then, you'll select "top hit" as your metric, and select "value" as the field.

Then, for the buckets, you'll want to use a terms aggregation over "case_id".

You'll have one row for each case_id and then a summary (average) at the bottom of the table.

Does that help?

Awesome! I created what I need doing what you said. (Example of my values in the images)
The only issue is the actual number of case_ids that I have is ~ 30k and growing. So the data table takes a very long time to load.
Is there a way to only really load the average rather than loading every case_id and then averaging the results?
Additionally, instead of using Average can I use 80th Percentile somehow?

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