Export data from kibana dashboard in CSV/Excel

I want to export the records from the kibana dashboard in CSV/Excel.

I have added a table in the dashboard from discover which contains millions of records. I want to download/export these records into CSV/Excel.

Let me know how to do this on Kibana 8.6.2

Hi @HiteshSingh,

Do you see an Edit search option in the settings menu, similar to the below?

This option takes you to the discover page, where you can use the CSV report option to export the data:

Hope that helps!

Thanks for the screens. I tried this but was only able to export 3275 records in CSV.

I have 7.4m+ records in that table. How can we download/export all the records.

Hi @HiteshSingh,

The limit is relating to the xpack.reporting.csv.maxSizeBytes property in Kibana. I would recommend having a look at this thread and see if you need to increase the limit. I would advise caution though as setting it too high will impact the performance of your Elastic cluster.

Even then I wonder if you will struggle to get the full population out given you're looking to export millions of records. If you're not comfortable exporting in batches by specifying a time range, you could try having a look at the ODBC driver to access the data directly from Excel.

Let us know if either of those options work out for you.

What is the max bytes that I can set without impacting much on the performance of my Elastic cluster?

Also, how can we determine the time filter here to use it? Since, we are loading complete data at once at the same time.

Please advise.

It really depends on several factors, as outlined in the documentation.

The time filter applied to the data is shown in the timepicker on the Discover dashboard and can be used to narrow the range:

The filter bar to the left can also be used to reduce the row count as well to match a given query.

There is an option to use Logstash. The output in CSV is supported.

Hi @carly.richmond

Thanks for your information, I will work on this and check the performance.

Meanwhile I perform this, can you please also provide some inputs on this thread.

Hello @carly.richmond

I cannot see "Edit Search" option. What could be the reason for this?


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