Failed to authenticate user [kibana_system]

When I tried Kibana development, I ran the following commands:

yarn es snapshot --license trial
yarn start --run-examples

Then I encountered an error in Elasticsearch:

failed to retrieve password hash for reserved user [kibana_system]
Authentication of [kibana_system] was terminated by realm [reserved] - failed to authenticate user [kibana_system]

And an error in Kibana:

[error][savedobjects-service] Unable to retrieve version information from Elasticsearch nodes. security_exception: [security_exception] Reason: unable to authenticate user [kibana_system] for REST request [/_nodes?filter_path=nodes.*.version%2Cnodes.*.http.publish_address%2Cnodes.*.ip]

I tried the default password for user [kibana_system] in kibana.yml and also tried to change the password to "changeme" or "kibanapassword", but they all got errors. Can anyone help me?

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It sounds like that you are using the wrong password. Did you set the password yourself or did you get auto-generated passwords from setup-passwords ?

You can test the passwords you think are correct against elasticsearch manually by running

curl -u <user_here> 'http://localhost:9200/_xpack/security/_authenticate?pretty'

replacing <user_here> with the relevant username ( elastic , kibana , logstash_system ) and entering the appropriate password for each.

hope this helps ? Thanks

When I was running Elasticsearch by command yarn es snapshot --license trial, I tried to change all users' passwords to "changeme" by running bin/elasticsearch-setup-passwords interactive in .es/8.0.0 foler in another terminal. However, I encountered the following error:

Connection failure to: failed: Read timed out
ERROR: Failed to set password for user [apm_system].

I also tried to use bin/elasticsearch to run Elasticsearch, but I couldn't even change the passwords in this case. The following is the error message:

Failed to authenticate user 'elastic' against
Possible causes include:
 * The password for the 'elastic' user has already been changed on this cluster
 * Your elasticsearch node is running against a different keystore
   This tool used the keystore at /Users/sheen/Desktop/kibana/.es/8.0.0/config/elasticsearch.keystore
ERROR: Failed to verify bootstrap password

I tried another branch (7.13) instead of the master branch in Kibana git repo and didn't encounter any errors. I believe the above errors might be caused by bugs in Elasticsearch 8.0.0 snapshot.

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