Failure upon install local java plugins in logstash-wolfi

8.15.0 based on wolfi (

Describe the issue :
I've some custom plugins built using java and currently using logstash v8.14.3. Noticed that logstash 8.15.0 is released and try to upgrade

When i used the official docker image of logstash logstash:8.15.0, the upgrade passed and the local custom plugins installed successfully without any issues

While upon using the wolfi image logstash-wolfi:8.15.0, all my custom plugins failed to be installed. All times return the same error ArgumentError: "-*\xCE\xCC\xCF\xB3R0" is not an octal string

Note that I've upgraded my java plugins to use jdk21, and upgrade jruby to too

Any ideas what is the issue, and why there is a difference between the image based on ubuntu and the image based on wolfi

Hi @ahmadabulaban1993

That might be related to the default locale which differs between the two images and could impact character encoding.

docker run -it --entrypoint bash
bash-5.2$ echo $LANG
docker run -it --entrypoint bash
logstash@de6f03754832:~$ echo $LANG

en_US.UTF-8 supports a wide range of characters.
C.UTF-8: the default behavior might lean toward US-ASCII, leading to issues with non-ASCII characters in certain applications.

Could you share more details about the code executed in these plugins?

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