Feature Request: Let us scale the side bar

I have issues with the Explore view. Many of my fields are very long, which results in the side bar containing available fields truncating my fields. This makes for less organic data exploration since I can no longer search that bar. The bar expands when I make the width of my widow ungodly large but thats not possible without multiple screens. I have tried a setting where it truncates the first parts of the strings so, first.second.last -> f.s.last but this solution is suboptimal because often in my data, you can end up with multiple fields looking the same. It would be great if this window could be adjusted to fit or not fit the strings it holds.

Welcome @campbell_io! Thanks for the feedback. Would this proposed feature help solve your concerns?

I don't believe so. I am using a large amount of fields and so adding custom labels to each of those fields would be difficult to maintain, I'd just like the ability to adjust the size of that bar to not cut off the existing field strings.

@campbell_io makes sense. I found a couple other open issues that seem closer to what you are looking for. See issues #16698 and #9531. Feel free to +1 either of them and/or add a comment if there's anything else you'd like us to consider.

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