Field created as float still shows as string in kibana Settings


I am creating field as float type on the fly in logstash:

    mutate {
        add_field => { "slowq_time" => {} }
        convert => { "slowq_time" => "float" }
    grok {
        patterns_dir => ["/elk/logstash/confs/patterns"]
        match =>  { "message" => "%{GREEDYDATA:slowq_prestring} %{QUERYTIME:sub_subtype} %{BASE16FLOAT:slowq_time:float} %{GREEDYDATA:slowq_poststring}"   }
        add_tag => ["slowq"]

yet in kibana under settings, after refreshing, it still shows as string; I waited extra day after setting this up to get new index with no mixed types on this field (initially it was created as string).

What am I missing?

Thank you

have you restarted logstash ?

service logstash restart

Yes - couple of times .. there were other changes to the logstash filter. Also run the configuration check.

.. update - after two days - and after creating separate index pattern in kibana for the today's date only , the field now shows as number, while general index pattern shows conflict with mixed type message. So it took an extra day to show that the field has string and now is number. Technically that would close the case - still not sure why it took extra day.