Field sorting in discover

i am trying to sort on the 'field' column but the sorting is disabled somehow. i checked the dataview and it shows 38 fields available, but in discover there are only 18 fields.

Hi @venxxx and welcome to the community!

Looks like the currently selected seq_number field has text type. Text fields are not sortable, only fields with keyword, number etc types.

Hi there,

thank you for your reply. yes, I did notice this. there is seq_number.keyword in data view settings, but it didn't show up on discover view.

this is discover view

When you press on seq_number in the fields sidebar, it should open a popover. Inside that popover I would expect to see seq_number.keyword which you can then add to the table.

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Thank you so much! Added seq_number.keyword to the view, but how to sort it based on the value of number? now it seems like it's sorting on text.

got this issue now after I changed the grok filter as %{INT:field:int}

Does your data view target multiple indices? Then mapping should be changed for all of them.

Also, mapping changes might require reindexing of the data.

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