Field value factor based on matched term

it is mentioned that one can use a numeric field in the document to influence scoring. Can it work with scripted similarity to affect the score there?

say if we have two documents:

    "field":"foo bar baz",
    "foo": 2.0,
    "bar": 3.0
    "field":"foo how good",
    "foo": 10.0,
    "good": 5.0

I wish the similarity scores to be further boosted by values of the matched term. For example, if we search "foo bar", the score will be doc['foo']*(score of foo) + doc['bar']*(score of bar).
For 1st document it will look like 2.0*(score of foo) + 3.0*(score of bar).
For 2nd document it will look like 10.0*(score of foo). bar is not matched here so the second term is omitted.
If one searches "foo good", the score will be doc['foo']*(score of foo) + doc['good']*(score of good). Similarly, the term good will not show up and will not play any part in scoring of the 1st document.

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