Fields are not appearing in Kibana


Im using following configuration to write nginx file into Elasticsearch from logstash

mutate {
convert => ["response", "integer"]
convert => ["bytes", "integer"]

I receive data from file beat. When I try to create visualisation out of it from Kibana I do not see response, bytes field under Terms (Bucket Type) Number field list.

Here is the mapping in Elasticsearch (which was created automatically based on the data)

"logstashbeat": {
"mappings": {
"nginx_logs": {
"response": {
"full_name": "response",
"mapping": {
"response": {
"type": "long"

What changes I should to do to make response, bytes field under Terms in Kibana?

Have you refreshed the field list in Kibana?

Yes did that and it works !!

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