Filbeat, Fields and Multiline


I'm testing out some configurations with Filebeat and one thing which I am struggling to accomplish is having Filebeat add some form of indication to the event if it has been handled by multiline.

The events are being sent to a Logstash layer within which I would like to test whether or not the event is a multline. if the event is a multiline we'd like to just send the event 'as is', but if not we would like to further enrich the event before sending to ES.

Having a simple way to test whether or not the event is a multiline by testing for the existence of a basic field or value seems like the simplest way to do this. If we cannot inject a field or tag to test on are there any other techniques that could be used?


This currently not possible. Related github ticket.

Thanks very much. No update on that enhancement since April? Can I take that to mean its not very likely to happen?

There is already an open PR, but WIP:

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