Filebeat 7.13 not compatible with elasticsearch-oss 7.10.2

Filebeat 7.13 is not compatible with elastichsearch-oss 7.10.2.

May 26 10:21:39 server1 filebeat[24814]: 2021-05-26T10:21:39.231+0200        ERROR        [publisher_pipeline_output]        pipeline/output.go:154        Failed to connect to backoff(elasticsearch(http://log1:9200)): Connection marked as failed because the onConnect callback failed: could not connect to a compatible version of Elasticsearch: 400 Bad Request: {"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"invalid_index_name_exception","reason":"Invalid index name [_license], must not start with '_'.","index_uuid":"_na_","index":"_license"}],"type":"invalid_index_name_exception","reason":"Invalid index name [_license], must not start with '_'.","index_uuid":"_na_","index":"_license"},"status":400}

This is the error message when I published from Filebeat directly to Elasticsearch.

Hello @confuseduser .

This is related to the earlier mentioned Licenses changes to Elasticsearch, I think you can find more information here: Breaking changes in 7.13 | Beats Platform Reference [7.13] | Elastic

And a bit more about the licensing in general: FAQ on 2021 License Change | Elastic


you can take a look at the Elasticsearch and agent beat compatibility matrix.

It seems that the matrix is wrong according to this: Breaking changes in 7.13 | Beats Platform Reference [7.13] | Elastic

Thanks for the link though :slight_smile:

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