Filebeat 8.15.1 connection error when writing monitoring data

Hello everyone!

Yesterday, on a test system, we have installed the Elastic Stack at version 8.15.1.

After the procedure was concluded, we saw the following error in the filebeat logs and in particular we saw that no monitoring data was present under the .monitoring-beats* index pattern (hostname info redacted from the original log).

Sep 06 16:19:36 master filebeat[141482]: {"log.level":"error","@timestamp":"2024-09-06T16:19:36.094Z","log.logger":"publisher_pipeline_output","log.origin":{"function":"*netClientWorker).run","":"pipeline/client_worker.go","file.line":148},"message":"Failed to connect to backoff(monitoring(https://<address>:9200)): cannot connect underlying Elasticsearch client: Get \"https://<address>:9200\": context canceled","":"filebeat","ecs.version":"1.6.0"}

As an additional information, downgrading Filebeat to version 8.15.0 resolved the issue.

Following, you can find also the content of the filebeat.yml file related with the monitoring part (path to certificates and the hostname were redacted).

  enabled: true
  cluster_uuid: <uid>
    username: ""
    hosts: ["https://<address>:9200"]
    ssl.certificate_authorities: ["/path/to/root-ca.crt"]
    ssl.certificate: "/path/to/cert.crt.pem"
    ssl.key: "/path/to/key.key.pem"

Can I ask if anyone has any idea of what could be causing the issue?

Thanks in advance for the help!

having the same issue - had to rollback so that the monitoring data is finally showing up in "Stack Monitoring" - no clue what's wrong with 8.15.1

ah, I think it's a known issue :frowning:

see Beats version 8.15.1 | Beats Platform Reference [8.15] | Elastic

Yes exactly, nearly at the same time the issue was opened on GitHub, so definitely it is a known issue.
I will close the topic as answered since we can now wait for the fix to be released.

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