Filebeat apache2 module

I'm currently trying to send apache2 logs using filebeat to elasticsearch. I've got the following at the end of my filebeat.yml file:

- module: apache2
          var.paths = ["/var/log/apache2/access.log*"]
 - module: system

But when i start filebeat, i get the following error:
Exiting: Error unpacking module config: Error creating config from fileset apache2/access: type 'string' is not supported on top level of config, only dictionary or list

Any idea on how to solve this? I have copied this code from the documentation ( and changed nginx to apache2

Hi @nbrys, the YAML isn't valid due to indentation issues. Try yours at Then compare that again to what's on the page you linked.

Hi @andrewkroh, i've copied the config section from

If you paste it in you get:

Error : Unable to parse.
Line : 4 var.paths = ["/var/log/nginx/access.log*"]

I should have noticed that equals sign. It should not be there. Replace it with a : like

- module: nginx
    var.paths: ["/var/log/nginx/access.log*"]

Can you please open an issue in the Github repo for the documentation bug in the file.

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