Filebeat gcp module keeps getting hash config error when setting up

According to this docs, I have set up the gcp.yml file as written with the settings intact (firewall and vpcflow is enable: false)

But i keep getting this error whenever I run sudo filebeat setup -e

2021-05-21T09:02:25.232Z	ERROR	cfgfile/reload.go:258	Error loading configuration files: 1 error: Unable to hash given config: missing field accessing '0.firewall' (source:'/etc/filebeat/modules.d/gcp.yml')
Loaded Ingest pipelines

My full gcp.yml file is as below

- module: gcp
    enabled: false
    var.project_id: my-gcp-project-id
    var.topic: gcp-vpc-flowlogs
    var.subscription_name: filebeat-gcp-vpc-flowlogs-sub
    var.credentials_file: ${path.config}/gcp-service-account-xyz.json
    #var.internal_networks: [ "private" ]

    enabled: false
    var.project_id: my-gcp-project-id
    var.topic: gcp-vpc-firewall
    var.subscription_name: filebeat-gcp-firewall-sub
    var.credentials_file: ${path.config}/gcp-service-account-xyz.json
    #var.internal_networks: [ "private" ]

    enabled: true
    var.project_id: <my prod name>
    var.topic: sample_topic
    var.subscription_name: filebeat-gcp-audit
    var.credentials_file: ${path.config}/<something>.<something>

Did you try transforming them into this configuration format: beats/gcp.yml.disabled at master · elastic/beats · GitHub ?

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